Book Sections Year : 2018

The Process of Perception in the Early Academic Article


The Journal des Sçavans and the Philosophical Transactions were both founded in 1665. The latter is basically scientific, while the former is more general. In a sample of issues from 1675, it was found that perception processes are used more frequently in the English journal. This is because they are more appropriate in scientific disciplines. The distribution of the use of perception processes can be traced back to editorial decisions, and ultimately to the historical context. A significant feature of this is the influence of Bacon on English thought, and that of Descartes on French thought.
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hal-02270916 , version 1 (26-08-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02270916 , version 1


David Banks. The Process of Perception in the Early Academic Article. Akila Sellami-Baklouti, Lise Fontaine. Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics, Routledge, pp.338-349, 2018. ⟨hal-02270916⟩
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