Conference Papers Year : 2002

Meta-programming with Express and SQL


Meta-programming can be defined as creating application programs by writing programs that produce programs (application generators). Meta-programming is programming and meta-data management is data management. STEP is an ISO 10303 standard intended to data modelling and exchange. STEP standard defines very useful software tools, as EXPRESS an object-oriented modelling language, and STEP technology can be applied for the design and implementation of application generators. The position of the paper is that SQL-PL/SQL or EXPRESS declarative and iterative features are powerful enough to build application generators.
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hal-01451131 , version 1 (03-02-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01451131 , version 1


Philippe Saliou, Alain Plantec, Vincent Ribaud. Meta-programming with Express and SQL. International Workshop on Declarative Meta Programming (DMP 02), Sep 2002, Edimbourg, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01451131⟩
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