Recurrence rates and hitting-time distributions for random walks on the line - Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2010

Recurrence rates and hitting-time distributions for random walks on the line


We consider random walks on the line given by a sequence of independent identically distributed jumps belonging to the strict domain of attraction of a stable distribution, and first determine the almost sure exponential divergence rate, as r goes to zero, of the return time to (-r,r). We then refine this result by establishing a limit theorem for the hitting-time distributions of (x-r,x+r) with arbitrary real x.
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hal-00465047 , version 1 (18-03-2010)
hal-00465047 , version 2 (18-03-2013)



Françoise Pene, Benoit Saussol, Roland Zweimüller. Recurrence rates and hitting-time distributions for random walks on the line. 2010. ⟨hal-00465047v1⟩
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