Conference Papers Year : 2024

A Versatile Balun Based on a Power Divider Topology


This paper presents an original balun concept based on a power divider topology. The proposed concept simplifies the design compared to a Marchand balun by eliminating the interconnection problem between the two couplers forming the Marchand balun. Furthermore, the proposed concept is highly versatile and allows for the straightforward realization of a double balun, with a single input and two differential outputs, without resorting to a cascade of differential power dividers. For simplicity, the concept is demonstrated in PCB technology using transdirectional couplers to overcome dimensional constraints associated with coupled-lines backward couplers, but this concept will be highly effective for balun design in CMOS technology in millimeter-wave bands beyond the hundred GHz range. The results lead to single-to-differential insertion loss of less than 0.5 dB at the operating frequency of 2 GHz, a return loss better than 15 dB, and a 3-dB bandwidth of around 40%.
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hal-04609008 , version 1 (12-06-2024)



Lucie Jeannin, Larbi Boukhezar, Olivier Occello, Loïc Vincent, Guillaume Ducournau, et al.. A Versatile Balun Based on a Power Divider Topology. EuMW 2024, Sep 2024, Paris, France. pp.3-6, ⟨10.23919/EuMC61614.2024.10732152⟩. ⟨hal-04609008⟩
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