Journal Articles IARIA Journals Year : 2018

Towards Low Cost Secured Remote Control of Mobile Robots to Help Dependent People


​ ​In this paper, we focus on a Web-controlled mobile robot for home monitoring, in the context of Ambient Assisted Living. The key point is low-cost and the robot is built from standard components. We use a few sensors to allow the robot to estimate its position, its direction and the obstacles in front of it. An Ultra Wide Band system is used to estimate the position of the robot. A distant user controls the robot by using a map in the user interface. The result is a small robot that can be used inside or outside a house.
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hal-01987284 , version 1 (21-01-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-01987284 , version 1


Yvon Autret, Jean Vareille, David Espes, Valérie Marc, Philippe Le Parc. Towards Low Cost Secured Remote Control of Mobile Robots to Help Dependent People. IARIA Journals, 2018, International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 11 (3&4), pp.168-178. ⟨hal-01987284⟩
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