Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science–policy–practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies
Evangelia G. Drakou
(1, 2)
Charlène Kermagoret
Camino Liquete
Ana Ruiz-Frau
Kremena Burkhard
Ana Lillebø
Alexander van Oudenhoven
Johanna Ballé-Béganton
João Garcia Rodrigues
Emmi Nieminen
Soile Oinonen
Alex Ziemba
Elena Gissi
Daniel Depellegrin
Kristina Veidemane
Anda Ruskule
Justine Delangue
Ana Böhnke-Henrichs
Arjen Boon
Richard Wenning
Simone Martino
Berit Hasler
Mette M. Termansen
Mark Rockel
Herman Hummel
Ghada El Serafy
Plamen Peev
Aménagement des Usages des Ressources et des Espaces marins et littoraux - Centre de droit et d'économie de la mer
2 University of Twente
3 JRC - European Commission - Joint Research Centre [Ispra]
4 IMEDEA - Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avancats
5 Leibniz Universität Hannover=Leibniz University Hannover
6 Universidade de Aveiro
7 Universiteit Leiden = Leiden University
8 USC - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela [Spain]
9 SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute
10 Deltares [The Netherlands]
11 IUAV - Università Iuav di Venezia = Iuav University of Venice
12 ISMAR - Istituto di Science Marine
13 LU - University of Latvia
14 IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
15 WUR - Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen]
16 SAMS - Scottish Association for Marine Science
17 ENVS - Department of Environmental Science [Roskilde]
18 NIOZ - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
2 University of Twente
3 JRC - European Commission - Joint Research Centre [Ispra]
4 IMEDEA - Institut Mediterrani d'Estudis Avancats
5 Leibniz Universität Hannover=Leibniz University Hannover
6 Universidade de Aveiro
7 Universiteit Leiden = Leiden University
8 USC - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela [Spain]
9 SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute
10 Deltares [The Netherlands]
11 IUAV - Università Iuav di Venezia = Iuav University of Venice
12 ISMAR - Istituto di Science Marine
13 LU - University of Latvia
14 IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
15 WUR - Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen]
16 SAMS - Scottish Association for Marine Science
17 ENVS - Department of Environmental Science [Roskilde]
18 NIOZ - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Charlène Kermagoret
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 182462
- IdHAL : charlene-kermagoret
- ORCID : 0000-0003-2402-7833
Camino Liquete
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1024548
Johanna Ballé-Béganton
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 915949
- ORCID : 0009-0008-9423-4524
- IdRef : 256838232
Richard Wenning
- Function : Author
Mark Rockel
- Function : Author
Plamen Peev
- Function : Author
We compared and contrasted 11 European case studies to identify challenges and opportunities toward the operationalization of marine and coastal ecosystem service (MCES) assessments in Europe. This work is the output of a panel convened by the Marine Working Group of the Ecosystem Services Partnership in September 2016. The MCES assessments were used to (1) address multiple policy objectives simultaneously, (2) interpret EU-wide policies to smaller scales and (3) inform local decision-making. Most of the studies did inform decision makers, but only in a few cases, the outputs were applied or informed decision-making. Significant limitations among the 11 assessments were the absence of shared understanding of the ES concept, data and knowledge gaps, difficulties in accounting for marine social–ecological systems complexity and partial stakeholder involvement. The findings of the expert panel call for continuous involvement of MCES ‘end users’, integrated knowledge on marine social–ecological systems, defining thresholds to MCES use and raising awareness to the general public. Such improvements at the intersection of science, policy and practice are essential starting points toward building a stronger science foundation supporting management of European marine ecosystems.