Journal Articles Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry Year : 2000

Effects of various salts on the determination of arsenic by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Direct determination in seawater


The effect of Na, Mg, Ca and Sr as their nitrate, chloride and sulfate salts and seasalt, with and without the use of palladium, on the determination of arsenic by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was investigated. In the absence of any stabilizing agent, arsenic was partially lost as molecular species at low temperatures. The effect of salts on the shape of the atomization signal, the integrated absorbance and the stabilizing effect were highly dependent both on their nature and mass. By trapping arsenic, oxide species resulting from the decomposition of nitrate salts induced a high stabilization effect depending on their vaporization temperatures: MgO∼CaO>SrO>Na2O. The stabilization effect of chlorides occurred about 200x°C lower and depended on mass, volatility and hydrolytic properties: SrCl2>CaCl2>MgCl2∼NaCl. The effect of sulfates was mainly dependent on their decomposition/vaporization mechanisms, and in the presence of Na2SO4 or CaSO4 a strong chemical interference effect was observed. Palladium stabilized arsenic in the presence of nitrates, chlorides or even sulfates, leading to a similar delaying effect, signal shape and integrated absorbance. Seasalt induced also important modifications to the atomization signal of As. Moreover, an interference effect was observed, which could probably be attributed to the simultaneous vaporization of sulfate in seasalt. In seawater, Pd suppressed this interference effect and permitted to use a high pyrolysis temperature up to 1400°C to remove the major part of the seawater matrix before atomization. Under optimized conditions, the detection limit for As obtained in unmodified seawater in the presence of Pd was 0.34 μg L-1 for a 10 μl sample. © Springer-Verlag 2000.
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hal-01771373 , version 1 (19-04-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01771373 , version 1
  • PUBMED : 11220605


Jean Yves Gabon. Effects of various salts on the determination of arsenic by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Direct determination in seawater. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2000, 367, pp.714--721. ⟨hal-01771373⟩
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