[A tamponade complicating an acute eosinophilic pericarditis due to a myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic syndrome.]
Une tamponnade compliquant une pericardite a eosinophiles au cours d'un syndrome myeloproliferatif/myelodysplasique.
Cardiac involvement in eosinophilia is potentially fatal and requires early diagnosis and prompt treatment. We report here the case of a 71-year-old female patient with eosinophilia>10,000/mm3 for 2 months due to a myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic syndrome, with a rapidly progressive exertional dyspnea explained by an important circumferential eosinophilic pericarditis. Due to a rapid evolution to a tamponade, an emergent surgical drainage was performed. Subsequent medical treatment combined high-dose corticosteroids (1mg/kg/day) with hydroxyurea and imatinib. The outcome was favourable with regression of the effusion, of the volume overload symptoms and decrease in eosinophilia.