Books Year : 2012

SIGBED Review, Volume 9, Number 2, June 2012 Special Issue the 2nd Workshop on Embed With Linux (EWiLi 2012)

Jalil Boukhobza
Jean-Philippe Diguet
Frank Singhoff


20 years after its first launch as a personal computer operating system, Linux became leader in the domain of embedded systems and is now widely accepted as an open and credible solution in both industrial and academic worlds. The objective of the Embed With Linux (EWiLi) workshop is to present research work, projects, and experimentations and to have a glance at upcoming industrial implementations facing the ever-growing embedded systems challenges. The workshop objective is also to be a meeting place for industrial and academic actors to share their experiences and views. This 2nd EWiLi edition is the first attempt toward a standalone event after the 1st edition that was successfully co organized with the French conferences SympA/CFSE/RenPar (now called ComPAS: conference on Parallelism, Architecture and Systems). 2012's EWiLi edition is hosted at the "Cité de la voile Eric Tabarly" at Lorient, France, a very symbolic sailing museum in South Brittany which is a leading place in sailing industry and racing teams that integrates challenging embedded systems in their technologies. EWiLi workshop features two distinguished keynote speakers, delivering state-of-the-art information on hot topics on embedded Linux: - "Safe and reliable embedded linux programming - how to get there" by Dr José F. Ruiz (AdaCore) - "Embedded Linux Energy Overhead" by Dr. Eric Senn (Lab-STICC, University of South Brittany) In addition to the keynotes, many hot topics will be addressed during the workshop such as the rise of sensor networks, the use of reconfigurable hardware architectures (FPGA) that provide hardware flexibility and parallelism but suffer from standard interfaces and software environment. Many other issues are also investigated they include, but are not limited to, heterogeneous multicore architectures, relevant benchmarking, security and services ad hoc deployment, etc. Regular papers were submitted from 8 different countries. The EWiLi Program Committee worked hard to provide high quality reviews for each paper. 8 regular papers were selected to appear in the proceedings that may give ideas and feel like exploring new embedded Linux horizons. The final result was an international program as contributions come from: Burkina Faso, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, United Kingdom, and United States. The 2nd edition of EWiLi was made possible thanks to the support of different institutions including: Lab-STICC laboratory, University of Occidental Brittany (UBO, Brest), University of South Brittany (UBS, Lorient) and Lorient Technopole Innovation (LTI). ACM SIGBED Reviews and ACM SIGOPS French Chapter (ASF) have also strongly contributed in making the event successful. We would like to thank all members of the Program Committee for their valuable efforts for prompt and high quality reviews, advices, and various help they provided to make that event successful. Finally, we also would like to thank all the authors of the submitted papers and all the participants who contributed in making EWiLi an exciting forum for researchers and practitioners. We hope they appreciated the program of the 2nd edition of the EWiLi workshop. May 2012 Jalil Boukhobza Jean-Philippe Diguet Pierre Ficheux Frank Singhoff
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hal-00806936 , version 1 (02-04-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00806936 , version 1


Jalil Boukhobza, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Frank Singhoff (Dir.). SIGBED Review, Volume 9, Number 2, June 2012 Special Issue the 2nd Workshop on Embed With Linux (EWiLi 2012). ACM, pp.47, 2012, 1551-3688. ⟨hal-00806936⟩
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