Journal Articles Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Year : 2009

Perkinsosis in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum affects responses to the harmful-alga, Prorocentrum minimum


The dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum is increasingly recognized as a harmful algal bloom (HAB) species that affects filter-feeding shellfish. An experiment was done to investigate possible interactions between parasitic diseases and exposure to P. minimum in Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum. Manila clams, with variable levels of infection with Perkinsus olseni, were exposed for three or six days to the benign phytoplankton species Chaetoceros neogracile or a mixed diet of C. neogracile and P. minimum. After three or six days of exposure, clams were assessed individually for condition index, parasite status, and plasma and hemocyte parameters (morphological and functional) using flow-cytometry. Histological evaluation was also performed on individual clams to assess prevalence and intensity of parasitic infection, as well as other pathological conditions. Prorocentrum minimum caused several changes in Manila clams, especially after six days of exposure, such as decreased hemocyte phagocytosis and size and clam condition index. Pathological conditions observed in Manila clams exposed to P. minimum were hemocyte infiltration in the intestine and gonad follicles, myopathy, and necrosis of the intestine epithelial cells. The parasite P. olseni alone had no significant effect on Manila clams, nor did it modulate the hemocyte variables in clams exposed to P. minimum; however, the parasite did affect the pathological status of Manila clams exposed to the P. minimum culture, by causing atrophy and degeneration of residual ova in the gonadal follicles and hyaline degeneration of the muscle fibers, indicating synergistic effects of both stressors on the host over a short period of time. Additionally, an in vitro experiment also demonstrated detrimental effects of P. minimum and exudates upon P. olseni cells, thus suggesting HAB antagonistic suppression of transmission and proliferation of the parasite in the natural environment over a longer period of time. The results of this experiment demonstrate the complexity of interactions between host, parasite, and HAB.

Dates and versions

hal-00653250 , version 1 (19-12-2011)



Helene Hegaret, Patricia Mirella da Silva, Inke Sunila, Sandra E. Shumway, Mark S. Dixon, et al.. Perkinsosis in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum affects responses to the harmful-alga, Prorocentrum minimum. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2009, 371 (2), pp.112-120. ⟨10.1016/j.jembe.2009.01.016⟩. ⟨hal-00653250⟩
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