As the world exchanges are increasing, maritime transports keep on growing up. More than a reality, the climate has become a global challenge that the maritime industry has and will have to deal with for two reasons. Firstly, the climate change means a rising of sea levels and more frequently extreme weather conditions. So it will for sure have an impact on harbours' infrastructures and on all maritime routes, by creating new ones and closing others. Will the Northwest Passage become a practicable shipping route? Secondly, as the whole transport sector, vessels have an impact on climate change because of theirs emissions (greenhouse gas and other air pollution). The heavy reliance on heavy oil indeed clearly shows that greater energy efficiency and energy source diversification must be found. International conventions, notwithstanding their difficult enforcement, try to regulate vessels' emissions by imposing technical and financial measures. It's also very interesting to quote that owners and port authorities mobilize to prevent environment from numerous damages. Face to the failure of the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the International Maritime Organization tries to propose issues. But progresses still have to be made. To conclude, implications of climate change effects on maritime transports need to be properly understood to ensure appropriate adaptation measures which will lead to a cost-efficient and sustainable maritime transport.