Conference Papers Year : 2010

Influential parameters on electromagnetic properties of Nickel-zinc ferrites for antenna miniaturization


Electromagnetic properties of nickel-zinc ferrites based materials make them potential candidates for applications linked to telecommunications. In the present study nanosized particles of spinel ferrite Ni0.5Zn0.3Co0.2Fe2O4 were prepared by co-precipitation method. An optimized material is obtained after adequate heat treatment and partial filling of the porosity by epoxy resin. This material lies between ceramic and composite medium (with porosity close to 40%), and shows almost constant complex permeability and permittivity in the frequency range from 0.1GHz to 0.7 GHz, and equal to ~3.5-j0.15 (loss tangent~0.04) and ~4-j0.2 (loss tangent ~0.02) respectively. The refractive index n is close to 3.75. These electromagnetic properties, in particular the low levels of losses, show that this material could be useful to the design of miniaturized antennas in the VHF-UHF (300MHz-700MHz) range of frequency.
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hal-00489030 , version 1 (14-06-2010)


  • HAL Id : hal-00489030 , version 1


David Souriou, Jean-Luc Mattei, Alexis Chevalier, Patrick Queffelec. Influential parameters on electromagnetic properties of Nickel-zinc ferrites for antenna miniaturization. Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Jan 2010, Washington, United States. ⟨hal-00489030⟩
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