Conference Papers Year : 2023

How do Automotive Acousticians talk about Sounds and Comfort in Electric Vehicle?


The original idea of this work is to propose an improvement in the acoustic comfort inside electric vehicles, by designing sounds added to sounds perceived as unpleasant thanks to the audio system of the car. The first step in the sound design approach consists in identifying and describing sounds. Therefore, we start by extracting a lexicon spontaneously used by automotive acousticians. The choice was made to conduct 12 interviews guided by a semi-structured questionnaire. The resulting interviews are then analyzed to classify the extracted terms into 4 categories of descriptors formalized in previous studies, illustrated here with examples: Hedonic (e.g. Pleasant), Causal (e.g. Electric motor), Reduced (e.g. High pitched) and Names (e.g. Whining noise). The second step in our framework is to describe the hedonic perception of comfort/discomfort of these sounds using the contextual elements given by the participants. This issue is addressed by obtaining a verbal portrait of the acoustical characteristics perceived as pleasant and unpleasant. We present here the ranking of the most representative sound sources identified in the car cabin as well as their perceptive definitions, focusing on the sound properties and comfort/discomfort impact spontaneously given by participants. The sound design process will be further explored.
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hal-04456709 , version 1 (15-02-2024)



Matthieu Duroyon, Nicolas Misdariis, Patrick Susini, Nicolas Dauchez, Louis-Ferdinand Pardo, et al.. How do Automotive Acousticians talk about Sounds and Comfort in Electric Vehicle?. 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023, Sep 2023, Turin, France. pp.6335-6342, ⟨10.61782/fa.2023.0079⟩. ⟨hal-04456709⟩
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