Journal Articles Journal of Applied Physiology Year : 1992

T wave changes in humans and dogs during experimental dives.

F. Joulia
  • Function : Author
P. Barthèlemy
  • Function : Author
F. Guerrero


Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis was performed in three human divers studied at 21 and 23.5 ATA while they breathed various gas mixtures containing H2 and/or He (COMEX HYDRA IX experiment) and in five dogs exposed to 91 ATA of He-O2 or He-N2-O2. In all cases, the O2 partial pressure was slightly higher than its physiological value. These human and animal studies reveal that elevated pressure of different inert gases did not change the resting heart rate or its respiratory fluctuation. However, the T wave amplitude increased in proportion to the gas density in the three divers; this was also found in four of the five dogs studied. Changes in peak T wave configurations were also observed in the dog experiments. Positional changes in QRS or T vectors cannot explain these T wave changes.
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hal-00743435 , version 1 (18-10-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00743435 , version 1
  • PUBMED : 1474041


F. Joulia, P. Barthèlemy, F. Guerrero, Y. Jammes. T wave changes in humans and dogs during experimental dives.. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1992, 73 (5), pp.1708-12. ⟨hal-00743435⟩
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