Conference Papers Year : 2010

Seasonal-to-decadal oceanic pCO2 evolution in the sub-antarctic islands (Kerguelen, Crozet , Amsterdam/St Paul, Heard/Mc Donald)


This study exploits data belonging to the wider oceanic CO2 database, SOCAT. After having accomplished the 2nd-phase of quality control of CO2 data from the Indian sector of the Southern ocean, attention is now given in studying the evolution of fCO2 obtained in the sub-antarctic islands from 30 cruises (1991-2007) and compare the tendencies against other possible protagonists, such as bathymetry or chla concentrations (as obtained from satellite sources). The seasonal-to-decadal trends will be discussed and, if possible, compared among islands, considering local current and climate configurations, as well. Anna Lourantou


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hal-00502765 , version 1 (15-07-2010)


  • HAL Id : hal-00502765 , version 1


Anna Lourantou, Nicolas Metzl. Seasonal-to-decadal oceanic pCO2 evolution in the sub-antarctic islands (Kerguelen, Crozet , Amsterdam/St Paul, Heard/Mc Donald). ClimECO2 International Summer School - Oceans, Marine Ecosystems, and Society facing Climate Change, Aug 2010, Brest, France. ⟨hal-00502765⟩
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