Tunable microwave components based on Kta1-xNbxO3 ferroelectric material
We made tunable microwave ferroelectric interdigital capacitors (IDCs) and resonators with different KTaxNb1xO3 (KTN) materials. Measurement results highlighted interesting variations, i.e. about 9.27% at 2 GHz on the capacitance value, at low bias voltage (~15 kV/cm). This study enabled us to choose KTa0.5Nb0.5O3 among three KTN compositions because, at room temperature, it showed the best properties for achievement of tunable devices. To our knowledge, among the few circuits based on a ferroelectric thin film other than BaxSr1xTiO3 (BST) material, the ones we proposed demonstrate very promising performances for microwave applications. In the future, KTNs could compete with BSTs for tunable devices.