Recherche - LEMAR

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7 résultats
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Towards carbon neutrality by 2040 in La Rochelle metropolitan area (France): quantifying the role of wetlands and littoral zone in the capture and sequestration of blue carbon

Christine Dupuy , Hélène Agogué , Benjamin Amann , Frédéric Azémar , Nicolas Becu , et al.
ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, Sep 2022, San Sebastian, Spain. , 2022
Poster de conférence hal-03777579v1
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Maturation of the European sardine Sardina pilchardus under experimental conditions strengthens bioenergetic estimate

Marie Vagner , Aurélie Dessier , Christine Dupuy , Paco Bustamante , Emmanuel Dubillot , et al.
Marine Environmental Research, 2020, 160, pp.104985. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104985⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02778070v1
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Factors influencing prokaryotes in an intertidal mudflat and the resulting depth gradients

Céline Lavergne , Hélène Agogué , Aude Leynaert , Mélanie Raimonet , Rutger de Wit , et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2017, 189, pp.74 - 83. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2017.03.008⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01491829v1
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Underwater Fluxes of biogenic constituents and their Ecological Implications

Jérémy Mayen , Pierre Polsenaere , Philippe Geairon , Jean-Michel Chabirand , Jonathan Deborde , et al.
ASLO, Jun 2021, Online, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04678865v1
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Lower trophic levels and detrital biomass control the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web: Implications for ecosystem management

Géraldine Lassalle , Jérémy Lobry , François Le Loc’h , Paco Bustamante , Grégoire Certain , et al.
Progress in Oceanography, 2011, 91 (4), pp.561-575. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2011.09.002⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00683349v1

Sequential resuspension of biofilm components (viruses, prokaryotes and protists) as measured by erodimetry experiments in the Brouage mudflat (French Atlantic coast)

Christine Dupuy , Clarisse Mallet , Katell Guizien , Hélène Montanié , Martine Bréret , et al.
Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2014, 92, pp.56-65. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2013.12.002⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01214993v1

Restoring an urbanized coastal marsh: consequences on contamination dynamics

Adélaïde Lerebours , Mireia Kohler , Lauriane Bergeron , Jeanne Latreille De Lavarde , Bénédicte Dubillot , et al.
COAST CAEN 2023 - Entre Terre et Mer - Conférence Internationale d’Océanographie et 19ème Symposium Franco-Japonais d’Océanographie, Oct 2023, Caen, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-04678756v1