Recherche - Ecole thématique "Iceland in the central Northern Atlantic"

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23 résultats
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Long term and recent climate changes recorded in North Atlantic oceanic archives around iceland

Frédérique Eynaud
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480707v1
Image document

Recent changes in the North Atlantic circulation

Thierry Huck
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482051v1
Image document

Glaciers and sea ice extent in iceland during the quaternary

Brigitte van Vliet-Lanoë , Hervé Guillou , A. Gudmundsson
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : Hotspot, sea currents and climate changes, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480248v1
Image document

Record of glaciations off the east greenland coast over the last 400KYR : SM-ND isotopic signature of marine clays

Nathalie Fagel , Claude Hilaire-Marcel
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480696v1
Image document

Influence of tectonism on the composition of acid and basaltic lava

Olgeir Sigmarsson
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482056v1
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Focal mechanisms, stress field and crustal rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) inferred from local seismicity analysis

Julie Albaric , Maxime Godano , Jacques Déverchère , Julie Perrot , Anne Deschamps , et al.
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482059v1
Image document

The north atlantic oscillation : mechanisms and spatio-temporal variability

Christophe Cassou
Iceland in the central northern atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480619v1
Image document

A large rock avalanche onto Morsarjökull glacier, south-east Iceland. Its implications for ice-surface evolution and glacier dynamics

Armelle Decaulne , Þorsteinn Sæmundsson , Halldór G. Pétursson , Helgi Pall Jónsson , Ingvar A. Sigurðsson
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482107v1
Image document

Arctic sea ice: high resolution reconstructions

Guillaume Massé , Simon T. Belt , Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482053v1
Image document

Enlargement of the active rift during glaciations

Olivier Dauteuil , Olivier Bourgeois , Brigitte van Vliet-Lanoë
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480686v1
Image document

Holocene subpolar gyre dynamic as viewed from geochemical tracer records of cold-water corals

Norbert Frank
Iceland in the central Northern Atlantic : Hotspot, sea currents and climate changes, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès insu-00477404v1
Image document

Rock glaciers and relict debris bodies in Central North Iceland

Agust Gudmundsson
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480743v1
Image document

Tephrochronological dating of Holocene moraines at Icelandic glaciers, and climatic interpretations

Martin P. Kirkbride
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482052v1
Image document

Earth responses to ice mass changing in iceland

Thierry Villemin
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482058v1
Image document

Recent and present-day tectonics near a hot spot : the transform zones of iceland

Françoise Bergerat , Jacques Angelier , Catherine Homberg , Sebastian Garcia , S. Verrier , et al.
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480616v1
Image document

New unspiked K-Ar ages of quaternary sub-glacial and sub-aerial volcanic activity in Iceland

Hervé Guillou , Brigitte van Vliet-Lanoë , Agust Gudmundsson , Sébastien Nomade
Iceland in the central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482046v1
Image document

The holocene climatic history of the Circum-icelandic oceanic realms

Jacques Giraudeau
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate changes, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480739v1
Image document

Ridge jump process in Iceland

Sebastian Garcia
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480715v1
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High-resolution Late Pleistocene paleomagnetic secular variation record from Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia (Argentina): preliminary results from the ICDP-PASADO drilling

Agathe Lisé-Pronovost , Guillaume St-Onge , Torsten Haberzettl
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482192v1
Image document

Jökulhlaups in Iceland : sources, release and drainage

Helgi Björnsson
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00480676v1
Image document

L'Islande, un point chaud particulier

Christophe C Hémond
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482048v1
Image document

Amsterdam - St. Paul Hotspot History

Myriam Janin , Christophe C Hémond , Marcia Maia
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climatic change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482191v1
Image document

Holocene major eruptions

Erik Sturkell
Iceland in the Central Northern Atlantic : hotspot, sea currents and climate change, May 2010, Plouzané, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-00482057v1